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Battery Powered Digital Smart Locks

Want to go key-less or be able to provide access to someone from across the world from an app on your phone? We can help.

There are many factors that need to be considered so please fill in the form with your requirements and email photos of the front, back and edge of the door, and frame to allow us to find the best solution for you.

A very small selection of our
favourite digital locks:

There's way more... too many to fit here.

Yale Assure Series

Yale Assure Locksmith Maroochydore.jpg

Remote Access Available

PIN codes

Emergency Battery Override

Emergency Key Override (some models)

SUMMARY | A high quality digital bolt lock that comes in both key-less, or a key override version. The assure series also features a lever handle and latch lock. Yale is a legacy lock and door hardware brand consistently providing quality products.

McGrath Locks

Locksmith Warana.jpg

Remote Access Available

PIN codes

Emergency Battery Override



Suitable for Apartments & Offices

SUMMARY | McGrath Locks is a relatively new brand that is filling a gap in the offerings of other brands. The locks are versatile with a full-suite of features and the app is user-friendly. Some of the locks are suitable for apartment fire-doors as they have been fire-rated.

Carbine Locks

Carbine Electronic Locks.png

Fire-rated (some models)

Suitable for Apartments & Offices (some models)

PIN codes

Emergency Key Override

SUMMARY | Carbine is a long-lasting Australian-owned brand that produces very high quality locks. Although the locks lack some of the tech like remote access features and fingerprints, they are an affordable option that doesn't compromise on quality.

Please fill in this form to help us find the best options for you.

Please send any photos separately to

1) Did you want to replace an existing lock or install another lock above/below?
Replace existing if possible
Above or Below
2) Do you need a deadlock (keyed/lockable on the inside also)? Most battery powered locks are NOT deadlocks.
4) Is your door rebated? (a double-leaf door that is split down the middle with a rebated edge)
Yes, it's a rebated (double door)
No, it's a single-leafed door (most common)
5) Is the new handle or lock backing plate going to be obstructed by the door or frame in any way (e.g. decorative mouldings on the door, or a deep frame)?
6) Is there a screen door in front/behind? (This may affect the new locks position)
7) Is there a pull handle on the door?
8) Is the lock going to be exposed to rain or direct sunlight? This will affect the performance and longevity of the lock.
What sorts of features do you need?
Battery powered locks have more components that can fail. Are you prepared to replace the lock more often than a regular lock? Are you prepared to regularly change batteries?
Yes, I understand
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