High Security Master Key Systems
Restricted Master Key Systems allow control over who can open and access your property. From simple one-key restricted systems for smaller sites to multi-level master key systems where access is required for certain doors but not others, Avid Locksmiths can do it all.
We currently recommend SigmaX due to its longevity and high quality. SigmaX agents/locksmiths are required to uphold tight security on key blanks and system information.
Is a restricted key system right for you?
The benefits of a registered design key system include:
- Non-standard key-way and broach design which limits the ability of unauthorized key copying
- A complex key-way designed to impede lock picking
- A signatory registry that allows only those authorized to obtain copies of the key through the locksmith that installed the system
- Know exactly how many keys are circulating via registering the issue numbers with the people issued the key
- The ability to master key locks, providing access only to doors that are required and restricting others via smart key coding
- Embossed keys with system identification to easily identify each key
If you are a business with high staff turnover, or lease premises and have no idea how many keys are floating around, or have a need for greater security than standard locks, find out how a restricted master key system from Avid Locksmiths can increase your security and authority.